Announcing our new logo
Big news! Today, after twenty plus years, we're releasing an updated brand identity. You'll see the new look anywhere we'e out in public, like our website and social media; very soon you'll see it in our tickets (Existing tickets carrying our existing logo are still valid). We believe the new look better matches what we've become since 1993: a provider for eCommerce solution, ticket agency service and online payment gateway.
BIGBANG10 The Concert '0.TO.10' Final in Hong Kong
Cityline is honourable to be the priority booking and public sales ticketing channel for BIGBANG10 THE CONCERT '0.TO.10' FINAL IN HONG KONG held in East Kowloon Cruise Terminal Outdoor Activities Square. We have proved the capability to serve the crowds and fans for ticketing.
Quote from Korea portal: The show kicked off with one of their earliest songs "Heaven" and also included their past hits "Last Farewell," "Lies" and "BAE BAE." "This is our largest-scale performance in Hong Kong, and it's our first time performing outside," allkpop quoted Big Bang as saying during their concert in Hong Kong. "Thanks to everyone for being with us here. Let's enjoy our 10th-anniversary concert."
eTickets & admission control service
It is the 6th year that we have been working with Longines Masters Hong Kong on the ticketing agency service. This year, prestigious patrons can present physical tickets, home-print tickets or QR codes on mobile for admission at the venue.
Moreover, it's the 2nd year that we provided enrollment service for the famous local family activity - Disovery Bay Easter Egg. Kids with parents can redeem the shovels, stickers and bags in different age groups at the on-site redemption counters. Just Cityline admission mobile device with connection can do the job!
CSR activities ― Charity Walk 2017
Calbee Run for Happiness was held on 12 March (Sun) at Pak Shek Kok Promenade. All the donations will be used for non-subvented employment service of Hong Kong Employment Development Service (HKEDS). Cityline joined the 3km charity walk on that day and would like to share the happiness of helping others with you.
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如閣下欲取消訂閱購票通(香港)有限公司之推廣電郵,請電郵閣下的電郵地址至,電郵主旨: UNSUBSCRIBE。我們會在五個工作天內處理您的要求。如欲查詢購票通之廣告宣傳服務,請瀏覽本網站